Museum visits can be a lot of things: an educational opportunity, an alternative to watching TV, an up close encounter with history, or just a way to escape the house during a wet, dreary day. But whatever your reason, a museum visit should be worth the money and the trip – the average cost of museum admission is between $11 and $25 dollars, plus an extra cost for special or interactive exhibits. So what’s the best plan for making the most of a visit? (more…)

From heroes to womanizers and from intellectuals to dandies, the U.S. presidency is filled with a history of eccentric behaviors and many “firsts.” Many presidents were born in log cabins, and it wasn’t until Jimmy Carter came along that America had its first president who was born in a hospital. Not all presidents are mentioned here, but the list starts with George Washington, the first and only president to win by unanimous vote, and ends with Bill Clinton, a controversial president who still left office with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II. (more…)

Any student of history knows that there is a great deal to be learned from those who have gone before. And, of course, there is much to be learned from the histories of other  countries. Many civilizations have risen and fallen in the thousands of years since humans have been interacting with each other, and it makes for compelling stories, ancient as well as modern. If you are interested in being a master of history, you can get a start with these 50 great world history blogs: (more…)